Designer + Animator (In Collaboration With Ava Meller)
20 second title sequence for the upcoming Netflix docuseries entitled "Can I Eat That?"
Photoshop + After Effects

The focus of this project centered on developing a captivating title sequence for the upcoming Netflix docuseries "Can I Eat That?"
As the title suggests, this challenge encouraged me to creatively highlight the variety of bizarre food options available across the globe!
It was exciting to venture beyond my comfort zone for this assignment. Collage with photorealistic imagery isn't a great strength of mine, so it was great fun having the opprotunity to develop this type of design work!
What's the Docuseries About?
Synopsis: “"Can I Eat That?" is a fascinating and eye-opening multi-series documentary by National Geographic, that delves into the realm of unconventional and surprising sources of potential food. From insects and algae to lab-grown meat and edible plants in unexpected places, this series aims to challenge our preconceptions about what we consider as traditional food sources. Through captivating storytelling, immersive visuals, and expert insights, each episode explores the nutritional value, sustainability, and cultural significance of these alternative food options. "
What Unconventional Food Sources Exist?
Our research led us to discover that there were a wide variety of unusual foods around the globe, but the ones that caught our eye most were:
Lab grown meat
Bugs (crickets, mealworms, tarantulas, etc.)
Sea Urchins

Who Will Watch This?
Gen Z through millennials in the US are the most likely to watch this program. (Netflix caters primarily to the United States and the topic of alternative food sources is most popular within this age range.)
Animation Goals
Design is paramount, the style frames should be prioritized above all
The transitions will contain the bulk of the animation, be sure to think through all transitions
Key Words: "Authentic," "Surprising," and "Food"

Concept 1: Recipe for a Petri Dish
​​In this concept, we used a method of substitution to normalize the concept of unusual food. Throughout this story, a meal is prepared but instead of typical ingredients such as flour, spices, and chicken there is crickets, algae, and lab grown meat.

Concept 2: Go Against the Grain
In this concept, we wanted to show a journey across all chapters of the docuseries. To accomplish this, we created a series of environments based around algae, lab-grown meat and bugs and had a series of organic symbols travel through them all.

Concept 3: Chew on This
In this concept, we decided to put a focus on data visualization to provide fun opportunities for typography and imagery to support each other. Additionally, all factoids served as fun Easter eggs foreshadowing the upcoming show.
When discussing these concepts with our art director, we concluded that "Chew on This" had the most potential to grow into an engaging title sequence. However, more emphasis should be placed on photoreal imagery. Additionally, studying cultures that have already embraced unconventional food sources may prove useful.
Style Frames Galore!
Early on it was apparent that we needed to nail down our style frames efficiently and effectively. My teammate and I focused on delivering as many visual directions as possible before moving into animation.
Revised Set 1
I was responsible for developing the first four frames, Ava developed the last five frames.

We agreed that while the data visualization approach was interesting, it wasn't quite as fun or eye-catching as it could be. For the next pass, we decided to try a different approach with a select focus on inviting the viewer in more.
Revised Sets 2 & 3
Ava developed the first set of frames below, I developed the second set of frames.

We agreed that the revised set was working much better but that it would be more interesting to have each style frame take on the aesthetics of a menu or nutritional label. The font should also be changed to something that is more readable.
1st Pass
For the first pass we focused on interesting movement between frames. Our priority was fun, zesty movement. For time's sake we divided the animation in half: I animated the first three frames and Ava animated the last three frames. We both agreed to resolve our design fully after this pass was completed.
Revision Pass
For the revision pass we resolved design consistencies and made eforts to get everything into a polished state.
We agreed that the halftone was too distracting and that the 5th frame needed much more refinement to fit the tone of the project.
Chapter Titles, Lower Third, and Internal Graphics